§ 10.1-2118. Cooperative program established.
It shall be the policy of the Commonwealth, and it is the purpose of thischapter, to restore and improve the quality of state waters and to protectthem from impairment and destruction for the benefit of current and futurecitizens of the Commonwealth. The General Assembly further determines andfinds that the quality of state waters is subject to potential pollution anddegradation, including excess nutrients, from both point and nonpoint sourcepollution and that the purposes of the State Water Control Law (§ 62.1-44.2et seq.) and all other laws related to the restoration, protection andimprovement of the quality of state waters will be enhanced by theimplementation of the provisions of this chapter. The General Assemblyfurther determines and finds that the restoration, protection and improvementof the quality of state waters is a shared responsibility among state andlocal governments and individuals and to that end this chapter establishescooperative programs related to nutrient reduction and other point andnonpoint sources of pollution.
(1997, cc. 21, 625, 626.)