§ 10.1-2134. Annual report by Directors of the Departments of EnvironmentalQuality and Conservation and Recreation.
The Directors of the Departments of Environmental Quality and Conservationand Recreation shall, by January 1 of each year, report to the Governor andthe General Assembly the amounts and recipients of grants made from theVirginia Water Quality Improvement Fund and the specific and measurablepollution reduction achievements to state waters anticipated as a result ofeach grant award, together with the amounts of continued funding required forthe coming fiscal year under all fully executed grant agreements. The reportshall provide a detailed progress update on the implementation ofagricultural best management practices to reduce nitrogen and phosphorouspollution from agricultural lands. This annual report may be incorporated aspart of the report required by § 62.1-44.118.
(1997, cc. 21, 625, 626; 2007, c. 637; 2008, cc. 643, 701.)