§ 10.1-2100. Cooperative state-local program.
A. Healthy state and local economies and a healthy Chesapeake Bay areintegrally related; balanced economic development and water qualityprotection are not mutually exclusive. The protection of the public interestin the Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, and other state waters and thepromotion of the general welfare of the people of the Commonwealth requirethat: (i) the counties, cities, and towns of Tidewater Virginia incorporategeneral water quality protection measures into their comprehensive plans,zoning ordinances, and subdivision ordinances; (ii) the counties, cities, andtowns of Tidewater Virginia establish programs, in accordance with criteriaestablished by the Commonwealth, that define and protect certain lands,hereinafter called Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas, which if improperlydeveloped may result in substantial damage to the water quality of theChesapeake Bay and its tributaries; (iii) the Commonwealth make its resourcesavailable to local governing bodies by providing financial and technicalassistance, policy guidance, and oversight when requested or otherwiserequired to carry out and enforce the provisions of this chapter; and (iv)all agencies of the Commonwealth exercise their delegated authority in amanner consistent with water quality protection provisions of localcomprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, and subdivision ordinances when ithas been determined that they comply with the provisions of this chapter.
B. Local governments have the initiative for planning and for implementingthe provisions of this chapter, and the Commonwealth shall act primarily in asupportive role by providing oversight for local governmental programs, byestablishing criteria as required by this chapter, and by providing thoseresources necessary to carry out and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(1988, cc. 608, 891.)