§ 10.1-2103. Powers and duties of the Board.
The Board is responsible for carrying out the purposes and provisions of thischapter and is authorized to:
1. Provide land use and development and water quality protection informationand assistance to the various levels of local, regional and state governmentwithin the Commonwealth.
2. Consult, advise, and coordinate with the Governor, the Secretary, theGeneral Assembly, other state agencies, regional agencies, local governmentsand federal agencies for the purpose of implementing this chapter.
3. Provide financial and technical assistance and advice to local governmentsand to regional and state agencies concerning aspects of land use anddevelopment and water quality protection pursuant to this chapter.
4. Promulgate regulations pursuant to the Administrative Process Act (§2.2-4000 et seq.).
5. Develop, promulgate and keep current the criteria required by § 10.1-2107.
6. Provide technical assistance and advice or other aid for the development,adoption and implementation of local comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances,subdivision ordinances, and other land use and development and water qualityprotection measures utilizing criteria established by the Board to carry outthe provisions of this chapter.
7. Develop procedures for use by local governments to designate ChesapeakeBay Preservation Areas in accordance with the criteria developed pursuant to§ 10.1-2107.
8. Ensure that local government comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances andsubdivision ordinances are in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.Determination of compliance shall be in accordance with the provisions of theAdministrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).
9. Make application for federal funds that may become available under federalacts and to transmit such funds when applicable to any appropriate person.
10. Take administrative and legal actions to ensure compliance by counties,cities and towns with the provisions of this chapter including the properenforcement and implementation of, and continual compliance with, thischapter.
11. Perform such other duties and responsibilities related to the use anddevelopment of land and the protection of water quality as the Secretary mayassign.
12. Enter into contracts necessary and convenient to carry out the provisionsof this chapter.
(1988, cc. 608, 891; 1997, c. 266.)