§ 10.1-2203. Board of Historic Resources membership; appointment; terms.
A. The Virginia Historic Landmarks Board within the executive branch of stategovernment is continued as the Board of Historic Resources and shall consistof seven members. The members of the Board shall initially be appointed forterms of office as follows: two for a one-year term, two for a two-year term,two for a three-year term, and one for a four-year term. Appointmentsthereafter shall be made for four-year terms, except appointments to fillvacancies occurring other than by expiration of term, which shall be filledfor the unexpired term.
B. In making appointments to the Board, the Governor shall consult withagencies and organizations in Virginia that have as their principal interestthe study of Virginia's history and the preservation of Virginia's historic,architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources. The Governor shallalso consult appropriate agencies and organizations that represent businessand property interests that may be affected by actions of the Board.
(1966, c. 632, § 10-136; 1968, c. 612; 1976, c. 484; 1984, c. 750; 1986, c.608; 1988, c. 891, § 10.1-800; 1989, c. 656; 1992, c. 801.)