§ 10.1-2208. Supervision of expenditure of appropriations made to localitiesand private organizations.
The Director shall oversee the expenditure of state appropriations madeavailable to organizations, whether localities or private entities, forpurposes related to the historical collections, historic landmarks, andhistoric sites of Virginia, to assure that such purposes are consistent withthe statewide plan for historic preservation as established by the Director.The Director shall establish and require adherence to sound professionalstandards of historical, architectural and archaeological research in theplanning, preservation, restoration, interpretation and display of suchcollections, landmarks, and sites.
(1972, c. 119, § 10-138.1; 1984, c. 750; 1988, c. 891, § 10.1-809; 1989, c.656; 2010, c. 291.)