§ 10.1-2210. Erection of markers by local governing bodies.
A. The governing body of any county, city or town may, at its own expense,have erected a historical marker commemorating any person, event or placeupon any public street, road or highway within its boundaries, provided thatthe person, event or place to be commemorated is identified with orrepresentative of a local aspect of history. The governing body, or its dulyauthorized agent, shall first determine, on the basis of documented research,that the text of the marker appears to be true and correct. The local markersshall differ in style and appearance from state historical markers, and shalldisplay, on the face of the markers, prominent notice of the governing body,or its agent, which approved the text of the marker. Design, appearance andsize and height specifications for local markers shall be reviewed andapproved by the Board.
B. If the person, event or place to be commemorated is prominently identifiedwith, or best representative of a major aspect of state or national history,then the text of the marker shall be approved as provided in § 10.1-2209.
(1970, c. 606, § 10-145.6; 1976, c. 88; 1988, c. 891, § 10.1-811; 1989, c.656.)