§ 10.1-2500. Virginia Environmental Emergency Response Fund established.
A. There is hereby established the Virginia Environmental Emergency ResponseFund, hereafter referred to as the Fund, to be used (i) for the purpose ofemergency response to environmental pollution incidents and for thedevelopment and implementation of corrective actions for pollution incidents,other than pollution incidents addressed through the Virginia UndergroundPetroleum Storage Tank Fund, as described in § 62.1-44.34:11 of the StateWater Control Law, (ii) to conduct assessments of potential sources of toxiccontamination in accordance with the policy developed pursuant to §62.1-44.19:10, and (iii) to assist small businesses for the purposesdescribed in § 10.1-1197.3.
B. The Fund shall be a nonlapsing revolving fund consisting of grants,general funds, and other such moneys as appropriated by the General Assembly,and moneys received by the State Treasurer for:
1. Noncompliance penalties assessed pursuant to § 10.1-1311, civil penaltiesassessed pursuant to subsection B of § 10.1-1316 and civil charges assessedpursuant to subsection C of § 10.1-1316.
2. Civil penalties assessed pursuant to subsection C of § 10.1-1418.1, civilpenalties assessed pursuant to subsections A and E of § 10.1-1455 and civilcharges assessed pursuant to subsection F of § 10.1-1455.
3. Civil charges assessed pursuant to subdivision 8d of § 62.1-44.15 andcivil penalties assessed pursuant to subsection (a) of § 62.1-44.32,excluding assessments made for violations of Article 9 (§ 62.1-44.34:8 etseq.) or 10 (§ 62.1-44.34:10 et seq.), Chapter 3.1 of Title 62.1, or aregulation, administrative or judicial order, or term or condition ofapproval relating to or issued under those articles.
4. Civil penalties and civil charges assessed pursuant to § 62.1-270.
5. Civil penalties assessed pursuant to subsection A of § 62.1-252 and civilcharges assessed pursuant to subsection B of § 62.1-252.
6. Civil penalties assessed in conjunction with special orders by theDirector pursuant to § 10.1-1186 and by the Waste Management Board pursuantto subsection G of § 10.1-1455.
(1991, c. 718; 1992, c. 812; 1997, cc. 624, 850; 1998, c. 837; 2000, cc. 17,1043.)