§ 10.1-301. General powers of Director.
In addition to other powers conferred by law, the Director may, subject tothe provisions of this chapter:
1. Acquire, construct, enlarge, improve, operate and maintain camping andrecreational facilities in any of the state parks under the control of theDepartment;
2. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth to pay the cost of camping andrecreational facilities and to pledge to the payment of the principal of andthe interest on such revenue bonds all or any portion of the revenues to bederived from camping and recreational facilities to be acquired orconstructed from the proceeds of such revenue bonds, after obtaining theconsent of the Governor;
3. Establish and collect fees and charges for the use of camping andrecreational facilities;
4. Receive and accept from any agency or instrumentality of the United Statesor other public or private body, contributions of either money or property orother things of value, to be held, used and applied for the purposes of thischapter;
5. Make and enter into all contracts or agreements necessary or incidental tothe execution of his powers under this chapter;
6. Enter into or obtain contracts or policies of insurance, letters of creditor other agreements to secure payment of the bonds authorized to be issuedpursuant to this chapter.
(Code 1950, § 10-101; 1966, c. 41; 1984, c. 750; 1986, c. 498; 1988, c. 891.)