§ 10.1-307. Fees and charges.
The Director shall establish and collect fees and charges for the use ofcamping and recreational facilities. These revenues shall be pledged to paythe principal of and the interest on revenue bonds issued under theprovisions of this chapter. The fees and charges shall be established andadjusted in respect of the aggregate fees and charges for the camping andrecreational facilities the revenues of which shall have been pledged toprovide a fund sufficient to pay (i) the cost of maintaining, repairing andoperating the facilities unless such cost is otherwise provided for, (ii) thebonds and the interest thereon as the bonds become due and (iii) reasonablereserves for such purposes. Such fees and charges shall not be subject tosupervision or regulation by any other state commission, board, bureau oragency.
(Code 1950, § 10-106; 1966, c. 41; 1986, c. 498; 1988, c. 891.)