§ 10.1-406. Virginia Scenic River Board.
A. The Virginia Scenic River Board (the Board) is established as an advisoryboard, within the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executive branch of stategovernment. The Board, which shall have a broad geographical representation,shall be composed of 16 voting members as follows: the Director and 15members-at-large appointed by the Governor. The 15 members-at-large shallinitially be appointed for terms of office as follows: three for a one-yearterm, four for a two-year term, four for a three-year term, and four for afour-year term. The Governor shall designate the term to be served by eachappointee at the time of appointment. Appointments thereafter shall be madefor four-year terms. No person shall serve more than two consecutive fullterms. Any vacancy shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term.All terms shall begin July 1. In making appointments, the Governor shallselect persons suitably qualified to consider and act upon the variousspecial interests and problems related to scenic river issues. The AdvisoryBoard shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among itsmembers-at-large. Members of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of theGovernor and receive no compensation.
The Director, or his designee, shall serve as executive secretary to theBoard.
The Board shall meet at least two times a year with additional meetings atthe call of the chairman or the Director. The vice-chairman shall fill theposition of chairman in the event that the chairman is not available. Amajority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Board.
The Board shall have no regulatory authority.
B. The Board shall advise the Governor and the Director concerning theprotection or management of the Virginia Scenic Rivers System. Upon therequest of the Governor, or the Director, the Board shall instituteinvestigations and make recommendations. The Board shall have general powersand duties to (i) advise the Director on the appointment of Scenic RiverAdvisory Committees or other local or regional committees pursuant to §10.1-401; (ii) formulate recommendations concerning designations for proposedscenic rivers or extensions of existing scenic rivers; (iii) consider andcomment to the Director on any federal, state or local governmental plans toapprove, license, fund or construct facilities that would alter any of theassets that qualified the river for scenic designation; (iv) assist theDirector in reviewing and making recommendations regarding all planning forthe use and development of water and related land resources including theconstruction of impoundments, diversions, roadways, crossings, channels,locks, canals, or other uses that change the character of a stream orwaterway or destroy its scenic assets, so that full consideration andevaluation of the river as a scenic resource will be given before alternativeplans for use and development are approved; (v) assist the Director inpreserving and protecting the natural beauty of the scenic rivers, assuringthe use and enjoyment of scenic rivers for fish and wildlife, scenic,recreational, geologic, historic, cultural or other assets, and encouragingthe continuance of existing agricultural, horticultural, forestal and openspace land and water uses; (vi) advise the Director and the affected localjurisdiction on the impacts of proposed uses of each scenic river and itsrelated land resources; and (vii) assist local governments in solvingproblems associated with the Virginia Scenic Rivers System, in consultationwith the Director.
(1970, c. 468, § 10-170; 1984, c. 739; 1985, c. 346; 1988, c. 891; 2003, c.240.)