§ 10.1-411. Goose Creek State Scenic River.
A. Goose Creek, from bank to bank in Fauquier and Loudoun Counties from theconfluence of the North and South Prongs of Goose Creek approximately 0.22mile downstream of the crossing of the Appalachian Trail in Fauquier Countyto its junction with the Potomac River in Loudoun County, a distance ofapproximately 48 river miles, is hereby designated a component of theVirginia Scenic Rivers System.
B. The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority is authorized to acquire,either by gift or purchase, any real property or interests therein that theNorthern Virginia Regional Park Authority considers necessary or desirable toprovide public use areas as identified in the Goose Creek Scenic River Reportpublished in 1975.
C. No new dam or other structure or enlargement of an existing dam or otherstructure that impedes the natural flow of Goose Creek shall be constructed,operated or maintained within the section of Goose Creek designated as aScenic River by this legislation unless specifically authorized by an act ofthe General Assembly.
As used in this section, the words "dam or other structure" mean anystructure extending from bank to bank of Goose Creek that will interfere withthe normal movement of waterborne traffic, interfere with the normal movementof fish or wildlife, or raise the water level on the upstream side of thestructure or lower the water level on the downstream side of the structure.
D. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the continued use, operation, andmaintenance of the existing Fairfax City water impoundment, or theinstallation of new water intake facilities in the existing reservoir locatedwithin the designated section of Goose Creek.
(1984, c. 739, § 10-173.2; 1985, cc. 346, 448; 1988, c. 891; 2003, c. 240;2007, c. 650.)