§ 10.1-411.1. Clinch-Guest State Scenic River.
A. The Clinch River from the Route 58 bridge in St. Paul to the junction withthe Guest River, a distance of approximately 9.2 miles, and a segment of theGuest River in Wise County, from a point 100 feet downstream from the Route72 bridge to its confluence with the Clinch River, a distance ofapproximately 6.5 miles, are hereby designated a component of the VirginiaScenic Rivers System; however, this description shall not be construed asmaking the lands along such river unsuitable for underground mining pursuantto § 45.1-252 or regulations promulgated thereunder.
B. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the construction,use, operation and maintenance of a natural gas pipeline on or beneath thetwo existing railroad trestles, one located just south of the Swede Tunneland the other located just north of the confluence of the Guest River withthe Clinch River, or to prevent the use, operation and maintenance of suchrailroad trestles in furtherance of the construction, operation, use andmaintenance of such pipeline. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed toprevent the construction, use, operation and maintenance of a natural gaspipeline traversing the river at, or at any point north of, the existingpower line that is located approximately 200 feet north of the northernentrance to the Swede Tunnel.
C. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the federal government,Commonwealth or a local jurisdiction from constructing or reconstructing anyroad or bridge.
(1990, c. 397; 1991, c. 487; 2002, c. 251; 2003, c. 240.)