§ 10.1-415. Rappahannock State Scenic River.
A. The mainstem of the Rappahannock River in Rappahannock, Culpeper,Fauquier, Stafford, and Spotsylvania Counties and the City of Fredericksburgfrom its headwaters near Chester Gap to the Ferry Farm-Mayfield Bridge, adistance of approximately 86 river miles, is hereby designated a component ofthe Virginia Scenic Rivers System.
B. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the continued operation andmaintenance of existing dams in the designated section.
C. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the continued operation,maintenance, alteration, expansion, or destruction of the Embrey Dam or itsappurtenances by the City of Fredericksburg, including the old VEPCO canaland the existing City Reservoir behind the Embrey Dam, or any other part ofthe City's waterworks.
D. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the Commonwealth, the City ofFredericksburg, or the Counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, or Culpeper fromconstructing or reconstructing any road or bridge or from constructing anynew raw water intake structures or devices, including pipes and reservoirsbut not dams, or laying water or sewer lines below water level.
E. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the construction, operation,repair, maintenance, or replacement of the natural gas pipeline, case numberPUE 860065, for which the State Corporation Commission has issued acertificate of public convenience and necessity.
(1985, c. 124, § 10-173.8; 1988, c. 891; 1990, c. 225; 2003, c. 240.)