§ 10.1-500. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Board" means the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board.
"County" includes towns.
"City" includes all cities chartered under the Commonwealth.
"District" or "soil and water conservation district" means a politicalsubdivision of this Commonwealth organized in accordance with the provisionsof this chapter.
"District director" means a member of the governing body of a districtauthorized to serve as a director.
"Due notice" means notice published at least twice, with an interval of atleast seven days between the two publication dates, in a newspaper or otherpublication of general circulation within the appropriate area, or if no suchpublication of general circulation is available, by posting at a reasonablenumber of conspicuous places within the appropriate area. Such posting shallinclude, where possible, posting at public places where it is customary topost notices concerning county or municipal affairs. Hearings held pursuantto such notice, at the time and place designated in the notice, may beadjourned from time to time without renewing the notice for the adjourneddates.
"Governing body of a city or county" means the entire governing bodyregardless of whether all or part of that city or county is included or to beincluded within a district.
"Government" or "governmental" includes the government of thisCommonwealth, the government of the United States, and any of theirsubdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities.
"Land occupier" or "occupier of land" includes any person, firm orcorporation who holds title to, or is in possession of, any lands lyingwithin a district organized, or proposed to be organized, under theprovisions of this chapter, in the capacity of owner, lessee, renter, tenant,or cropper. The terms "land occupier" and "occupier of land" shall notinclude an ordinary employee or hired hand who is furnished a dwelling,garden, utilities, supplies, or the like, as part payment, or payment infull, for his labor.
"Locality" means a county, city or town.
(Code 1950, § 21-3; 1950, p. 76; 1954, c. 670; 1964, c. 512; 1970, c. 480;1985, c. 448; 1988, c. 891.)