§ 10.1-505. Duties of Board.
In addition to other duties and powers conferred upon the Board, it shallhave the following duties and powers:
1. To give or loan appropriate financial and other assistance to districtdirectors in carrying out any of their powers and programs.
2. To keep district directors informed of the activities and experience ofall other districts, and to facilitate an interchange of advice andexperience between the districts.
3. To coordinate the programs of the districts so far as this may be done byadvice and consultation.
4. To secure the cooperation and assistance of the United States and any ofits agencies, and of agencies of the Commonwealth, in the work of thedistricts.
5. To disseminate information throughout the Commonwealth concerning theactivities and programs of the districts, and to encourage the formation ofsuch districts in areas where their organization is desirable.
6. To assist persons, associations, and corporations engaged in furtheringthe programs of the districts; to encourage and assist in the establishmentand operation of such associations and corporations, and to authorizefinancial assistance to the officers and members of such associations andcorporations in the discharge of their duties.
7. To receive, review, approve or disapprove applications for assistance inplanning and carrying out works of improvement under the Watershed Protectionand Flood Prevention Act (Public Law 566 - 83rd Congress, as amended), and toreceive, review and approve or disapprove applications for any other similarsoil and water conservation programs provided in federal laws which by theirterms or by related executive orders require such action by a state agency.
8. To advise and recommend to the Governor approval or disapproval of allwork plans developed under Public Law 83-566 and Public Law 78-535 and toadvise and recommend to the Governor approval or disapproval of other similarsoil and water conservation programs provided in federal laws which by theirterms or by related executive orders require approval or comment by theGovernor.
9. To provide for the conservation of soil and water resources, control andprevention of soil erosion, flood water and sediment damages therebypreserving the natural resources of the Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 21-10; 1956, c. 654; 1958, c. 410; 1962, c. 213; 1964, c. 512;1970, c. 480; 1972, c. 557; 1988, c. 891.)