§ 10.1-506. Power to create new districts and to relocate or define districtboundaries; composition of districts.
A. The Board shall have the power to (i) create a new district from territorynot previously within an existing district, (ii) merge or divide existingdistricts, (iii) transfer territory from an existing district to anotherdistrict, (iv) modify or create a district by a combination of the above and(v) relocate or define the boundaries of soil and water conservationdistricts in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
B. An incorporated town within any county having a soil and waterconservation district shall be a part of that district. If a town lies withinthe boundaries of more than one county, it shall be considered to be whollywithin the county in which the larger portion of the town lies.
(Code 1950, § 21-2; 1956, c. 654; 1970, c. 480, § 21-12.1; 1988, c. 891.)