§ 10.1-507. Petitions filed with the Board.
Petitions to modify or create districts, or relocate or define boundaries ofexisting districts, shall be initiated and filed with the Board for itsapproval or disapproval by any of the following methods:
1. By petition of a majority of the directors of any or each district or bypetition from a majority of the governing body of any or each county or city.
2. By petition of a majority of the governing body of a county or city notwithin an existing district, requesting to be included in an existingdistrict and concurred in by the district directors.
3. By petition of a majority of the governing body of a county or city orparts thereof not included within an existing district, requesting that a newdistrict be created.
4. By petition, signed by a number of registered voters equal to twenty-fivepercent of the vote cast in the last general election, who are residents of acounty or city not included within an existing district, requesting that anew district be created, or requesting to be included within an existingdistrict. If the petition bears the signatures of the requisite number ofregistered voters of a county or city, or two or more cities, then thepetition shall be deemed to be the joint petition of the particularcombination of political subdivisions named in the petition. If the petitiondeals in whole or in part with a portion or portions of a politicalsubdivision or subdivisions, then the number of signatures necessary for eachportion of a political subdivision shall be the same as if the wholepolitical subdivision were involved in the petition, and may come from thepolitical subdivision at large.
(1970, c. 480, § 21-12.2; 1988, c. 891.)