§ 10.1-514. Determination of feasibility of operation.
After the Board has made and recorded a determination that there is need forthe organization of the proposed district in a particular territory, and hasdefined the boundaries, it shall consider whether the operation of a districtwithin such boundaries is administratively practicable and feasible. Inmaking its determination, the Board shall consider the attitudes of theoccupiers of lands lying within the defined boundaries, the probable expenseof the operation of such district, the effect upon the programs of anyexisting districts, and other relevant economic and social factors. If theBoard determines that the operation of a district is administrativelypracticable and feasible, it shall record its determination and proceed withthe organization of the district. If the Board determines that the operationof a district is not administratively practicable and feasible, it shallrecord its determination and deny the petition. If the petition is denied,the Board shall notify the petitioner in the manner provided in this chapter.
(Code 1950, § 21-20; 1964, c. 512; 1970, c. 480; 1988, c. 891.)