§ 10.1-547. Acquisition and administration of projects; acting as agent forUnited States, etc.; acceptance of gifts.
Districts shall have the following additional authority:
1. To acquire by purchase, lease, or other similar means, and to administer,any soil conservation, flood prevention, drainage, irrigation, agriculturaland nonagricultural water management, erosion control, or erosion preventionproject, or combinations thereof, located within its boundaries undertaken bythe United States or any of its agencies, or by the Commonwealth or any ofits agencies;
2. To manage, as agent of the United States or any of its agencies, or of theCommonwealth or any of its agencies, any soil conservation, flood prevention,drainage, irrigation, agricultural and nonagricultural water management,erosion control or erosion prevention project, or combinations thereof,within its boundaries;
3. To act as agent for the United States or any of its agencies, or for theCommonwealth or any of its agencies, in connection with the acquisition,construction, maintenance, operation, or administration of any soilconservation, flood prevention, drainage, irrigation, agricultural andnonagricultural water management, erosion control, or erosion preventionproject, or combinations thereof, within its boundaries;
4. To accept donations, gifts, and contributions in money, services,materials, or otherwise, from the United States or any of its agencies, orfrom the Commonwealth or any of its agencies or from any other source, and touse or expend such moneys, services, materials, or other contributions incarrying on its operations.
(Code 1950, § 21-62; 1956, c. 654; 1970, c. 480; 1988, c. 891.)