§ 10.1-603.12. Department to review local and state agency programs.
A. The Department shall develop and implement a review and evaluationschedule so that the effectiveness of each local government's and stateagency's stormwater management program, Municipal Separate Storm SewerManagement Program, and other MS4 permit requirements is evaluated no lessthan every five years. The review shall include an assessment of the extentto which the program has reduced nonpoint source pollution and mitigated thedetrimental effects of localized flooding.
B. If, after such a review and evaluation, a local government is found tohave a program that does not comply with the provisions of this article orregulations adopted thereunder, the Board may issue an order requiring thatnecessary corrective action be taken within a reasonably prescribed time. Ifthe local government has not implemented the corrective action identified bythe Board within 30 days following receipt of the notice, or such additionalperiod as is necessary to complete the implementation of the correctiveaction, then the Board shall take administrative and legal actions to ensurecompliance with the provisions of this article. If the program is delegatedto the locality by the Board, the Board may revoke such delegation and havethe Department administer the program.
(1989, cc. 467, 499; 2004, c. 372.)