§ 10.1-606.2. Mapping of dam break inundation zones.
A. An owner of an impounding structure shall prepare a map of the dam breakinundation zone for the impounding structure in accordance with criteria setout in the Virginia Impounding Structure Regulations (4VAC 50-20). Existingmaps prepared by the locality in accordance with these regulations may beused for this purpose.
B. All maps prepared in accordance with subsection A shall be filed with theDepartment of Conservation and Recreation and with the offices with plat andplan approval authority or zoning responsibilities as designated by thelocality for each locality in which the dam break inundation zone resides.
C. Owners of impounding structures may be eligible for matching grants of upto 50 percent from the Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection AssistanceFund and other sources of funding available to the Director to assist in thedevelopment of dam break inundation zone maps and for conducting incrementaldamage assessments in accordance with the Virginia Impounding StructureRegulations.
D. All properties identified within the dam break inundation zone shall beincorporated by the owner into the dam safety emergency action plan of thatimpounding structure so as to ensure the proper notification of personsdownstream and other affected persons or property owners in the event of anemergency condition at the impounding structure.
(2008, c. 491.)