§ 10.1-609.1. Installation of IFLOWS gauges.
A soil and water conservation district responsible for the maintenance andoperation of a flood control dam shall be permitted to install IntegratedFlood Observing and Warning Systems (IFLOWS) gauges and associated equipment,or a device approved by the Department of Emergency Management, whileawaiting funds to make structural modifications to correct emergency spillwaycapacity deficiencies in the dam, identified by the Board in a report issuedpursuant to § 10.1-609, when any of the following conditions exist: (i) fundsare not available to make such structural modifications to the dam, (ii) thecompletion of such structural modifications requires the acquisition ofadditional property or easements by exercise of the power of eminent domain,or (iii) funds for the IFLOWS equipment or an equivalent device have beenappropriated by the General Assembly. Installation of IFLOWS gauges orsimilar devices shall not affect the regulated status of the dam under theVirginia Dam Safety Act (§ 10.1-604 et seq.). Any IFLOWS gauges andassociated equipment shall be installed in a manner approved by theDepartment of Emergency Management and shall be operated and maintained bythe Department of Emergency Management.
(1993, c. 709.)