§ 10.1-610. Right of entry.
The Board and its agents and employees shall have the right to enter anyproperty at reasonable times and under reasonable circumstances to performsuch inspections and tests or to take such other actions it deems necessaryto fulfill its responsibilities under this article, including the inspectionof dams that may be subject to this article, provided that the Board or itsagents or employees make a reasonable effort to obtain the consent of theowner of the land prior to entry. If entry is denied, the Board or itsdesignated agents or employees may apply to any magistrate whose territorialjurisdiction encompasses the property to be inspected or entered for awarrant authorizing such investigation, tests or other actions. Such warrantshall issue if the magistrate finds probable cause to believe that there is adam on such property which is not known to be safe.
(1982, c. 583, § 62.1-115.7; 1988, c. 891; 2005, c. 117.)