§ 10.1-617. Determination of whether operation of proposed district isfeasible; referendum.
If the district directors determine that a need for the proposed watershedimprovement district exists and after they define the boundaries of theproposed district, they shall consider the administrative feasibility ofoperating the proposed watershed improvement district. To assist the districtdirectors in determining such question, a referendum shall be held upon theproposition of the creation of the proposed watershed improvement district.Due notice of the referendum shall be given by the district directors. Allowners of land lying within the boundaries of the proposed watershedimprovement district shall be eligible to vote in the referendum. Thedistrict directors may prescribe necessary regulations governing the conductof the hearing.
(1956, c. 668, § 21-112.4; 1964, c. 512; 1970, c. 480; 1988, c. 891; 1995, c.654.)