§ 10.1-623. Governing body of district; trustees.
The directors of the soil and water conservation district or districts inwhich the watershed improvement district is situated shall be the governingbody of the watershed improvement district. They may appoint, in consultationwith and subject to the approval of the Virginia Soil and Water ConservationBoard, three trustees who shall be owners of land within the watershedimprovement district. The trustees shall exercise the administrative dutiesand powers delegated to them by the directors of the soil and waterconservation district or districts. The trustees shall hold office at thewill of the directors of the soil and water conservation district ordistricts and the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board. The trusteesshall designate a chairman and may change such designation. One of thetrustees may be selected as treasurer and shall be responsible for thesafekeeping of the funds of the watershed improvement district. When awatershed improvement district lies in more than one soil and waterconservation district, the directors of all such districts shall act jointlyas the governing body of the watershed improvement district.
(1956, c. 668, § 21-112.9; 1964, c. 512; 1970, c. 480; 1988, c. 891.)