§ 10.1-625. Status and general powers of district; power to levy tax orservice charge; approval of landowners required.
A watershed improvement district shall have all of the powers of the soil andwater conservation district or districts in which the watershed improvementdistrict is situated, and in addition shall have the authority to levy andcollect a tax or service charge to be used for the purposes for which thewatershed improvement district was created. No tax shall be levied norservice charge imposed under this article unless two-thirds of the owners ofland, which two-thirds owners shall also represent ownership of at leasttwo-thirds of the land area in such district, voting in a referendum calledand held in the manner prescribed in this article, approve the levy of a taxto be expended for the purposes of the watershed improvement district.
(1956, c. 668, § 21-112.11; 1964, c. 512; 1981, c. 156; 1988, c. 891; 1995,c. 654.)