§ 10.1-633. Power to incur debts and accept gifts, etc.; watershedimprovement district to have same powers as soil and water conservationdistrict.
A watershed improvement district shall have power, as set forth in thisarticle, to incur debts and repay them over the period of time and at therate or rates of interest, not exceeding eight percent, that the lenderagrees to. Any watershed improvement district may accept, receive and expendgifts, grants or loans from whatever source received. In addition, they shallhave the same powers, to the extent necessary, within the watershedimprovement district that the soil and water conservation district ordistricts in which the same is located exercise or may possess.
(1956, c. 668, § 21-112.20; 1964, c. 512; 1977, c. 40; 1988, c. 891.)