§ 10.1-634.1. Conduct of referenda.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, the referenda authorized or requiredby this article shall be conducted pursuant to regulations prescribed by theVirginia Soil and Water Conservation Board and not as provided for under §24.2-684.
B. Referenda authorized or required by this article prior to the regulationsreferred to in subsection A becoming effective shall be conducted by thedistrict directors of the soil and water conservation district in which thewatershed improvement district is situated pursuant to the provisions of thisarticle as they were effective on January 1, 1995, and Article 5 (§ 24.2-681et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 24.2. The costs of holding referenda underthis subsection shall be paid by the requesting landowners.
(1995, c. 654; 1996, c. 983.)