§ 10.1-644. Recovery of money due to fund.
If a borrower defaults on any payment due the State Treasurer pursuant to §10.1-643 or on any other obligation incurred pursuant to the provisions ofthis article, the amounts owed to the fund by the borrower may be recoveredby the State Comptroller transferring to the revolving fund the amount of thepayment due to the revolving fund from the distribution of state funds towhich the defaulting borrower may be entitled pursuant to any state law; or,any money which ought to be paid into the revolving fund may be recoverablewith interest by the Commonwealth, in the name of the Board, on motion in theCircuit Court of the City of Richmond. The Attorney General shall instituteand prosecute such proceedings after a request for such action has been madeby the Board.
(1970, c. 591, § 21-11.7; 1988, c. 891.)