§ 10.1-650. Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires a differentmeaning:
"Continual accelerated erosion" means a rapid increase in the erosion rateof stream banks caused by loss of vegetation, diversion of water byconstrictions, undermining, and other resultant effects of severe floods.
"Natural streams" means nontidal waterways which are part of the naturaltopography. They usually maintain a continuous or seasonal flow during theyear and are characterized as being irregular in cross-section with ameandering course. Constructed channels such as drainage ditches or swalesshall not be considered natural streams.
"Program" means the Stream Restoration Assistance Program.
"Stream restoration" means any combination of structural and vegetativemeasures which may be taken to restore, stabilize, and protect a naturalstream which has been damaged by severe flooding and is consequently subjectto continual accelerated erosion or other detrimental effects. The term shallalso include measures to return stream flow to its original channel in caseswhere the stream course has been changed as a result of flooding.
(1981, c. 450, § 21-11.23; 1988, c. 891.)