§ 11-4. Sizes of type in printed contracts.
No contract in writing entered into between a citizen of this Commonwealthand any person, firm, company or corporation, domestic or foreign, doingbusiness in this Commonwealth, for the sale and future delivery of any goodsor chattels, machinery or mechanical devices, or personal property of anykind or sort whatsoever, shall be binding upon the purchaser, where the formis printed and furnished by the person, firm, company or corporation, unlessall of the provisions of such contract are clearly and plainly printed orwritten; and, where printed, such provisions and covenants and allstipulations as to the rights of the vendor shall be in type of not less thanthe size known as ten point; and, wherever in such contract, printed upon aform furnished by the vendor, it is stipulated that the vendor is not to bebound by any verbal agreement or modification of the terms of such printedcontract, then such stipulation shall be printed as a separate paragraph orparagraphs and in type not smaller than pica. Should any of the contract,including the special stipulation hereinbefore mentioned, be printed in lessthan the size of type hereby prescribed, and the agent or salesman of suchperson, firm, company or corporation enter into any verbal or written orcollateral agreement with the vendee, on the part of the person, firm,company or corporation, modifying or changing such printed agreement or theparts of the contract which are printed, then the vendee may, in any actioninstituted to enforce such contract, or the payment of any sum of moneyagreed to be paid under such contract, be allowed to introduce suchcollateral agreement, or contract in modification thereof, or any verbalstatement made by the agent or salesman in modification thereof, in evidencein such action, and the same, if proved, shall be considered by the court orjury trying the case as a part of such printed contract.
(1920, p. 362; Michie Code 1942, § 5562a.)