§ 13.1-1111. Qualifications of members and managers; special provisions forlimited liability companies rendering service of architects, professionalengineers, land surveyors and landscape architects, and using the title ofcertified interior designers.
Not less than two-thirds of the membership interests of a professionallimited liability company rendering the services of architects, professionalengineers, land surveyors, or landscape architects, or using the title ofcertified interior designers, or any combination thereof, shall be held byindividuals duly licensed or professional business entities legallyauthorized to render the services of architects, professional engineers, landsurveyors, or landscape architects, or by individuals or professionalbusiness entities legally authorized to use the title of certified interiordesigners, and the remainder of the membership interests may be held only byindividuals who are employees of the professional limited liability companywhether or not those employees are licensed to render professional servicesor authorized to use a title. For those professional limited liabilitycompanies using the title of certified interior designers and providing theservices of architects, professional engineers or land surveyors, or anycombination thereof, not less than two-thirds of the membership interests ofthe professional limited liability company shall be held by individuals whoare duly licensed. No other professional limited liability company, exceptfor a professional limited liability company engaged in the practice ofaccounting as described in § 13.1-1112, may have as a member anyone otherthan an individual or a professional business entity that is duly licensed orotherwise legally authorized to render the same professional services asthose for which the professional limited liability company was organized.
As an additional prerequisite for a professional limited liability company'sengaging in the practice of the professions of architecture, professionalengineering, land surveying, or landscape architect, or using the title ofcertified interior designer, or any combination thereof, that professionallimited liability company shall secure a certificate of authority, which maybe renewable and may be either general or limited, from the Board forArchitects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified InteriorDesigners and Landscape Architects. The certificate of authority shall beissued or renewed by the Board when in its discretion the professionallimited liability company is in compliance with rules and regulations whichshall be promulgated by the Board consistent with its jurisdiction to provideadequate safeguards for the public's health, welfare and safety. The fees fora certificate of authority as described above shall be the same fees asprovided for in Chapter 4 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1.
(1992, c. 574; 1998, c. 27; 2000, cc. 191, 763; 2009, c. 309.)