§ 15.2-105. Penalty and interest for failure to pay accounts when due.
Any person failing to pay, pursuant to an ordinance, any account due alocality on or before its due date, other than taxes which are provided forin Title 58.1, may, at the option of the locality, incur a penalty thereon often dollars or an amount not exceeding ten percent. The penalty shall beadded to the amount of the account due from such person. No penalty shall beimposed for failure to pay any account if such failure was not in any way thefault of the debtor.
Interest at the rate of ten percent annually from the first day following theday such account is due may be collected upon the principal and penalty ofall such accounts.
(1984, c. 520, § 15.1-37.3:6; 1985, c. 342; 1989, c. 366; 1992, c. 229; 1997,cc. 587, 700.)