§ 15.2-1102. General grant of power; enumeration of powers not exclusive;limitations on exercise of power.
A municipal corporation shall have and may exercise all powers which it nowhas or which may hereafter be conferred upon or delegated to it under theConstitution and laws of the Commonwealth and all other powers pertinent tothe conduct of the affairs and functions of the municipal government, theexercise of which is not expressly prohibited by the Constitution and thegeneral laws of the Commonwealth, and which are necessary or desirable tosecure and promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipalityand the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, morals,trade, commerce and industry of the municipality and the inhabitants thereof,and the enumeration of specific powers shall not be construed or held to beexclusive or as a limitation upon any general grant of power, but shall beconstrued and held to be in addition to any general grant of power. Theexercise of the powers conferred under this section is specifically limitedto the area within the corporate limits of the municipality, unless otherwiseconferred in the applicable sections of the Constitution and general laws, asamended, of the Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 15-77.3; 1958, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-839; 1979, c. 297;1997, c. 587.)