§ 15.2-1201. County boards of supervisors vested with powers and authority ofcouncils of cities and towns; exceptions.
The boards of supervisors of counties are hereby vested with the same powersand authority as the councils of cities and towns by virtue of theConstitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia or the acts of the GeneralAssembly passed in pursuance thereof. However, with the exception ofordinances expressly authorized under Chapter 13 of Title 46.2, no ordinanceshall be enacted under authority of this section regulating the equipment,operation, lighting or speed of motor-propelled vehicles operated on thepublic highways of a county unless it is uniform with the general laws of theCommonwealth regulating such equipment, operation, lighting or speed and withthe regulations of the Commonwealth Transportation Board adopted pursuant tosuch laws. Nothing in this section shall be construed to give the boards ofsupervisors any power to control or exercise supervision over signs, signals,marking or traffic lights on any roads constructed and maintained by theCommonwealth Transportation Board. No powers or authority conferred upon theboards of supervisors of counties solely by this section shall be exercisedwithin the corporate limits of any incorporated town except by agreement withthe town council.
In the County of Fairfax an ordinance may be adopted by the board ofsupervisors under this section after a descriptive notice of intention topropose the same for passage has been published once a week for twosuccessive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county.After the enactment of such ordinance by the board of supervisors, nopublication of the ordinance shall be required and such ordinance shallbecome effective upon adoption or upon a date fixed by the board ofsupervisors.
(Code 1950, § 15-10; 1950, p. 113; 1958, c. 190; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-522;1966, cc. 405, 495; 1975, c. 575; 1997, c. 587.)