§ 15.2-1209. Prohibiting outdoor shooting of firearms or arrows from bows incertain areas.
Any county may prohibit the outdoor shooting of firearms or arrows from bowsin any areas of the county which are in the opinion of the governing body soheavily populated as to make such conduct dangerous to the inhabitantsthereof.
For purposes of this section, "bow" includes all compound bows, crossbows,longbows and recurve bows having a peak draw weight of 10 pounds or more. Theterm "bow" does not include bows that have a peak draw of less than 10pounds or that are designed or intended to be used principally as toys. Theterm "arrow" means a shaft-like projectile intended to be shot from a bow.
Any county that prohibits the outdoor shooting of firearms or arrows frombows shall provide an exemption for the killing of deer pursuant to §29.1-529. Such exemption for the shooting of firearms shall apply on land ofat least five acres that is zoned for agricultural use. Such exemption forthe shooting of arrows from bows shall apply on land of at least two acresthat is zoned for agricultural use.
(Code 1950, § 15-20.3; 1954, c. 223; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-518; 1968, c. 294;1992, c. 600; 1993, c. 367; 1995, c. 284; 1997, c. 587; 2000, c. 229; 2004,c. 930; 2005, c. 564.)