§ 15.2-1215. Authority to cut growth of grass or lawn area in certaincounties.
A. The Counties of Arlington, Augusta, Campbell, Chesterfield, Fairfax,Frederick, Hanover, Henrico, Henry, Isle of Wight, James City, PrinceWilliam, Roanoke, Rockingham, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Washington, Wise, andYork may by ordinance require that the owner of occupied residential realproperty therein cut the grass or lawn area of less than one-half acre onsuch property or any part thereof at such time or times as the governing bodyshall prescribe when growth on such grass or lawn area exceeds 12 inches inheight; or may whenever the governing body deems it necessary, afterreasonable notice, have such grass or lawn area cut by its agents oremployees, in which event, the cost and expenses thereof shall be chargeableto and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the countyas taxes and levies are collected. No such ordinance adopted by the countyshall have any force and effect within the corporate limits of any town.Violation of such ordinance may be punishable by a civil penalty not toexceed $100.
B. No such ordinance shall be applicable to land zoned for or in activefarming operation.
(1988, c. 625, § 15.1-11.01; 1990, c. 155; 1991, cc. 314, 315; 1997, cc. 587,614; 1998, cc. 640, 756; 2005, c. 309; 2006, c. 700; 2009, c. 252; 2010, c.396.)