§ 15.2-1216. Provision of information to prospective buyers in planneddevelopment units.
Any county having an urban county executive or county executive form ofgovernment, or any county adjacent to any two or more such counties, may byordinance require that the sellers of new homes provide to home buyers accessto copies of the approved subdivision plat, all development plans approved aspart of the zoning for the planned unit development, proffered conditionsaccepted pursuant to subsection A of § 15.2-2286 as part of the zoningapproval for the development, and the comprehensive plan for the area of thecounty, all of which documents shall include the property for sale and shallbe current as of the date access to such documents is provided. The ordinancemay require that, prior to execution of an offer to buy:
1. Such documents be located on the site of the property encompassed by thesubdivision, plat, or planned unit development in which the property for saleis located, or at an office in its immediate vicinity; and
2. The seller of the new home notify the prospective home buyers of thelocation of these documents and provide a reasonable opportunity for suchprospective buyers to inspect these documents.
Any violation of such an ordinance shall be punishable by a civil fine of notmore than $100.
(1983, c. 409, § 15.1-29.10; 1997, cc. 547, 587.)