§ 15.2-1231. Centralized competitive purchasing by chief administrativeofficer.
A. The governing body of any county having a chief administrative officer mayprovide for the centralized competitive purchasing of all supplies,equipment, materials and commodities for all departments, officers andemployees of the county, and for the county school board and the local boardof social services. For counties not currently engaged in centralizedcompetitive purchasing, the local governing body and the local school boardmay create a centralized competitive purchasing system only by mutualagreement. Such purchasing shall be done by the chief administrative officerunder the supervision of the governing body of the county and shall beaccomplished in accordance with Chapter 43 (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) of Title 2.2.
B. Such governing bodies may establish and maintain such systems ofbookkeeping, accounting and controls as are necessary to the proper operationof such system of competitive purchasing and to establish such storagefacilities as are necessary therefor.
C. Such governing bodies may require all departments to obtain theirsupplies, equipment, materials and commodities from the chief administrativeofficer, on requisitions prescribed by the governing body and to charge suchdepartments therefor.
(Code 1950, §§ 15-551.12, 15-551.13, 15-551.14; 1950, pp. 444, 445; 1962, c.623, §§ 15.1-127, 15.1-128, 15.1-129; 1982, c. 647; 1997, c. 587; 2002, cc.452, 747.)