§ 15.2-1235. Rules and regulations to govern county purchases.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this article, any supplies or contractualservices needed by one or more departments or agencies of the countygovernment shall be directly purchased or contracted for by the countypurchasing agent, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted pursuantto this section.
B. The county purchasing agent, subject to the approval of the governing bodyof the county, shall promulgate regulations for the following purposes:
1. Prescribing the manner in which supplies shall be purchased, delivered,stored, and distributed;
2. Prescribing the dates for making requisitions and estimates, the futureperiod which they are to cover, the form in which they shall be submitted,the manner of their authentication, and their revision by the countypurchasing agent;
3. Providing for the transfer to or between county departments and agenciesof supplies which are surplus with one department or agency but which may beneeded by another, and for the disposal by sale, after receipt of competitivebids, of supplies which are obsolete and unusable;
4. Prescribing the amount of deposit or bond to be submitted with a bid on acontract and the amount of deposit or bond to be given for the faithfulperformance of a contract;
5. Prescribing the manner in which claims for supplies and contractualservices delivered to the departments and agencies of the county shall besubmitted, examined, approved and paid; and
6. Providing for such other matters as may be necessary to give effect to theforegoing rules and the provisions of this article.
(Code 1950, § 15-543; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-107; 1997, c. 587.)