§ 15.2-1244. Limitations on issuance of warrants.
No county governing body shall order any warrant issued for any purpose otherthan the payment of a claim received, audited and approved as required by §15.2-1243. No clerk, deputy clerk, chairman or acting chairman of any countygoverning body shall sign or countersign any warrant not ordered issued bythe governing body pursuant to § 15.2-1243. No county governing body shallexpend in any year for any purpose an amount greater than the amountavailable for such purpose during the year or order issued against any fundat any time any warrant in excess of the amount available in such fund and inthe treasurer's possession at the time such warrant is issued, taking intoaccount all previously issued and outstanding warrants payable from suchfund. No interest shall be paid on any county warrant. Any clerk, deputyclerk or member of any county governing body who violates any of theprovisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and in additionshall be guilty of malfeasance in office.
(Code 1950, § 15-256; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-549; 1997, c. 587.)