§ 15.2-1300. Joint exercise of powers by political subdivisions.
A. Any power, privilege or authority exercised or capable of exercise by anypolitical subdivision of this Commonwealth may be exercised and enjoyedjointly with any other political subdivision of this Commonwealth having asimilar power, privilege or authority except where an express statutoryprocedure is otherwise provided for the joint exercise.
B. Any two or more political subdivisions may enter into agreements with oneanother for joint action pursuant to the provisions of this section. Theparticipating political subdivisions shall approve such agreement before theagreement may enter into force. Localities shall approve such agreements byordinance. Other political subdivisions shall approve such agreements byresolution.
C. The agreement shall specify the following:
1. Its duration.
2. Its purpose or purposes.
3. The manner of financing the joint undertaking and of establishing andmaintaining a budget therefor.
4. The permissible method or methods to be employed in accomplishing thepartial or complete termination of the agreement and for disposing ofproperty upon such partial or complete termination.
5. All other necessary and proper matters.
D. The agreement, in addition to the items enumerated in subsection C hereof,may contain the following:
1. Provision for an administrator or a joint board responsible foradministering the undertaking. The precise organization, composition, term,powers and duties of any administrator or joint board shall be specified.
2. The manner of acquiring, holding (including how title to such propertyshall be held) and disposing of real and personal property used in theundertaking.
3. How issues of liability will be dealt with and the types, amounts andcoverages of insurance.
E. No agreement made pursuant to this section shall relieve any politicalsubdivision of any obligation or responsibility imposed upon it by law exceptthat to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by anadministrator or joint board created by an agreement made hereunder, suchperformance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation orresponsibility.
F. Any political subdivision entering into an agreement pursuant to thissection may appropriate funds and may sell, lease, give, or otherwise supplythe administrator or joint board created to operate the undertaking with suchproperty, personnel or services therefor as may be within its legal power tofurnish.
G. Any power, privilege or authority exercised or capable of exercise by anypolitical subdivision of this Commonwealth may be exercised and enjoyedjointly with any political subdivision of any other state or the District ofColumbia subject to the provisions of subsections A, B, C, D, E and F above,which shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(Code 1950, § 15-13.2; 1958, c. 191; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-21; 1976, c. 583;1991, c. 28; 1992, c. 370; 1997, c. 587.)