§ 15.2-1304. Appropriating funds or supplying goods and services to certainregional organizations.
A. The governing body of any locality which is a member, or hereafter becomesa member, of any organization or association including an organization orassociation having members outside of the Commonwealth which has as itsprincipal objective one or more of the purposes set forth in subsection Bhereof, is authorized to appropriate funds to such organization or to providegoods and services to such organization, all for the purpose of advancing thewelfare and economic interests of such locality and the citizens thereof.
B. Funds may be appropriated or goods and services may be provided, only toan organization which has as its objective one or more of the followingpurposes: identification of problems hindering the growth, development andeconomic functioning of the region in which such locality is located;development of comprehensive plans for the growth and development of theregion as a whole and the promotion of interjurisdictional cooperation;development of appropriate policies and cooperative mechanisms among theparticipating localities for improving the administration of public services;development of concerted action among participating localities for thebenefit thereof and for the benefit of the region as a whole; defense andstrengthening of local government; and taking of such other action inconnection with the foregoing as will advance the best interests of theentire region and of the participating localities; however, all funds for thedevelopment of plans or planning in Virginia shall be expended throughcommissions created under Article 2 (§ 15.2-2210 et seq.) of Chapter 22 ofTitle 15.2, and other related or existing agencies authorized by theCommonwealth, to the extent that such commissions or other agencies areauthorized by law to develop such plans or planning. Provided further, thatno locality shall appropriate funds, unless specifically authorized by theGeneral Assembly, to any organization or association having members outsideof the Commonwealth (i) when such association or organization possesses thepower of taxation or the right of condemnation and (ii) unless the localityhas the right to withdraw from such association or organization at any time.
(1964, c. 30, § 15.1-20.1; 1997, c. 587.)