§ 15.2-1305. Review of appropriations to certain agencies; providing goodsand services to such agencies in lieu of funds.
The governing body of any locality may from time to time require of anyboard, commission or authority, hereinafter referred to as recipient agency,to which it has power to appropriate public funds and has appropriated suchfunds in the past or has received a request for appropriations, suchinformation books and records of the recipient agency as the governing bodydeems necessary in order that it may be assured that an appropriation orproposed appropriation will not result in the dissipation of public funds andin order that it may determine the use of past and the proposed use of futureappropriations, the method of management, control and organization of therecipient agency and its present and proposed programs. If the governing bodydetermines that a particular administrative function or activity of therecipient organization duplicates the services provided by the governing bodyand that public funds may be conserved by combining, consolidating orcoordinating the activities of the recipient agency with those of thelocality, it may, in lieu of an appropriation of funds for that function oractivity, provide the recipient agency with the necessary goods and services.The governing body may assign officers and employees to coordinate thefunctions and activities of the governing body and those of the variousrecipient agencies.
(1968, c. 554, § 15.1-20.2; 1997, c. 587.)