§ 15.2-1310. Assignment of weights for functional activities.
In determining the eligibility of the region, the Department of Housing andCommunity Development may assign weights for each joint activity up to thenumber in parentheses below:
1. Job Creation or Economic Development (10)
2. Regional Revenue Sharing or Growth Sharing Agreements (10)
3. Education (10)
4. Human Services (8)
5. Local Land Use (8)
6. Housing (8)
7. Transportation (5)
8. Law Enforcement (5)
9. Solid Waste (4)
10. Water and Sewer Services (4)
11. Corrections (3)
12. Fire Services and Emergency Medical Services (3)
13. Libraries (2)
14. Parks and Recreation (2)
The assignment of values by the Department to any joint activity may be basedupon the significance of the joint activity as measured by the fiscalresources committed to it, the number of regional localities participating,the significance of the activity as measured by the regional effort involvedin developing joint activities, the complexity of the activity, the generalimpact on relations between the affected jurisdictions, or other factorsdeemed to be appropriate by the Department. A region may petition theDepartment to adjust the weights of the above criteria to reflect therelative importance of that criteria on the economic competitiveness of theregion. Upon receipt of such petition, the Department may adjust the weightof any criteria; however, the weight of any one criteria shall not exceedten. In addition to the weights listed in § 15.2-1310, the Department ofHousing and Community Development may add up to a total of five points forregions that have taken successful actions to make governmental services orfunctions more efficient or successful actions in reducing the local propertytax burden throughout the region.
(1996, cc. 1045, 1055, § 15.1-1227.5; 1997, c. 587.)