§ 15.2-1408. Restrictions on activities of former officers and employees bycertain counties and cities.
In the Counties of Bedford, Fauquier, James City, Pittsylvania and Stafford,and the Cities of Charlottesville and Virginia Beach, the governing body, byordinance, may prohibit former officers and employees, for one year aftertheir terms of office have ended or employment ceased, from providingpersonal and substantial assistance for remuneration of any kind to anyparty, in connection with any proceeding, application, case, contract, orother particular matter involving the county or city or an agency thereof, ifthat matter is one in which the former officer or employee participatedpersonally and substantially as a county or city officer or employee throughdecision, approval, or recommendation.
The term "officer or employee," as used in this section, includes membersof local governing bodies, county or city officers and employees, andindividuals who receive monetary compensation for service on or employment byagencies, boards, authorities, sanitary districts, commissions, committees,and task forces appointed by the local governing body.
(1991, c. 582, § 15.1-29.22; 1997, c. 587; 2003, c. 945; 2005, cc. 257, 289.)