§ 15.2-1411. Appointment of advisory boards, committees and commissions;compensation and reimbursement of expenses.
The governing body of any locality may appoint such advisory boards,committees, and commissions as it deems necessary to advise the governingbody with regard to any matter of concern to the locality. Members shall beappointed to serve at the pleasure of the governing body.
The governing body may provide for (i) reimbursement of the actual expensesincurred by members while serving on such advisory boards, committees, andcommissions and (ii) compensation to members for their services forattendance at regularly scheduled meetings, and for training in an amountdetermined appropriate by the governing body from available funds.
(1981, c. 254, § 15.1-33.2; 1993, c. 894; 1994, c. 165; 1997, c. 587; 2002,c. 27; 2005, cc. 740, 879.)