§ 15.2-1414.2. Salaries to be fixed by board; limits; reimbursement inaddition to salary.
The annual compensation to be allowed each member of the board of supervisorsof a county shall be determined by the board of supervisors of such countybut such compensation shall not be more than a maximum determined in thefollowing manner. Prior to July 1 of the year in which members of the boardof supervisors are to be elected or, if the board is elected for staggeredterms, of any year in which at least forty percent of the members of theboard are to be elected, the current board, by a recorded vote of a majoritypresent, shall set a maximum annual compensation which will become effectiveas of January 1 of the next year.
Until the board is able to set a maximum compensation as provided above, themaximum compensations for the several counties shall be as authorized on July1, 1981.
Any board of supervisors may fix a higher salary for the chairman, or thevice-chairman, or both, than for the other members of the board withoutrespect to the limits herein set forth.
A member of the board of supervisors of any county may accept in lieu ofsalary, reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in maintaining an officeand secretarial assistance necessary for the proper performance of hisduties. Such reimbursement shall be subtracted from the amount of the salarydue such official and the remaining sum shall be paid to him at his option;however, such expense shall not exceed the salary. In addition to the salary,members of each governing body may receive the same fringe benefits which aregiven to county employees generally, and all prior grants of such benefitsare validated.
A county may provide a member of its board of supervisors in addition tosalary, reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in purchasing, operating,maintaining and using a telephone, including a car telephone or otherportable telephone, provided the expenses are attributable directly to theproper performance of the member's official duties.
No increase in the salary of a member of the board of supervisors shall takeeffect during the incumbent supervisor's term in office; however, thisrestriction shall not apply to boards of supervisors when the supervisors areelected for staggered terms nor to corrections to the above listedcompensation.
(1976, c. 590, § 14.1-46.01; 1977, cc. 391, 416; 1978, cc. 319, 435, 572;1979, c. 256; 1980, cc. 3, 450; 1981, cc. 13, 623; 1982, c. 376; 1990, c.518; 1996, c. 371; 1998, c. 872; 2000, c. 299.)