§ 15.2-1422. Electing a chairman and vice-chairman; mayor and vice-mayor.
Unless the chairman or mayor is elected by popular vote, every governingbody, at its first meeting after taking office, shall elect one of its numberas presiding officer. Such officer shall be called "chairman" if a memberof a board of supervisors and "mayor" if a member of a city or towncouncil. Such member, if present, shall preside at the first meeting and allother meetings during the term for which so elected. The governing body alsoshall elect a vice-chairman or vice-mayor, as the case may be, who shallpreside at meetings in the absence of the chairman or mayor and may dischargeany duty of the chairman or mayor during his absence or disability. Chairmenand vice-chairmen, mayors and vice-mayors, may be so elected to serve forterms corresponding with their terms as supervisors or councilmen or may beelected for such other period as determined by the governing body. Wheneverany board or council at the time of such election, fails to designate thespecific term of office for which a chairman or vice-chairman, a mayor orvice-mayor, is elected, it shall be presumed that such officers were electedfor a term of one year and shall serve until their successors have beenelected and qualify. Chairmen and vice-chairmen, mayors and vice-mayors, maysucceed themselves in office. In the case of the absence from any meeting ofthe chairman and vice-chairman, mayor and vice-mayor, the members presentshall choose one of their number as temporary presiding officer.
(1997, c. 587.)